Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Outside playground

Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Outside playground

Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Outside playground with ergonomics is the correct location of the playground and its elements, functional and age division of zones, organic selection of equipment. ın general, the playground should form the integrity of the overall solution, compositional and artistic unity, relationship with the environment, create a sense of harmony, completenes

30.12.2020 05:02

Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

Outside playground

with ergonomics is the correct location of the playground and its elements, functional and age division of zones, organic selection of equipment. In general, the playground should form the integrity of the overall solution, compositional and artistic unity, relationship with the environment, create a sense of harmony, completeness, create a child-friendly atmosphere, develop various forms of play activities, create spaces that promote the upbringing and development of free play on

Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

outside playground


Imagery is a very important characteristic of playgrounds, aimed at creating a unified image of a playground, which contributes to the development of such qualities as imagination, fantasy, courage, friendliness, etc. Children's play spaces should have original design solutions, non-standard architectural forms; interesting, bright, unique image and style of

Cote D''Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

outside playground

. Today we can find a lot of variety of it.


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