Sweden Kids wooden play equipment
Sweden Kids wooden play equipment must be bright, attract the attention of the baby, make him want to touch, play.
30.12.2020 03:06
Kids wooden play equipment
must be bright, attract the attention of the baby, make him want to touch, play.
Playgrounds are usually designed for games and outdoor activities for children of different ages: preschool (up to 3 years old), preschool (up to 7 years old), primary and secondary school age (7-12 years old). Playgrounds can be organized as separate playgrounds for different age groups or as complex playgrounds with age-specific zoning. For children and adolescents (12-16 years old), it is recommended to organize sports and Sweden
kids wooden play equipment
(micro-climbing gyms, velodromes) and equip special places for riding scooters, roller boards and skates.
A mandatory list of elements for Sweden
kids wooden play equipment
the territory on a playground usually includes: soft types of coverage, elements of conjugation of the surface of the playground with a lawn, landscaping, play equipment, benches and trash cans, lighting equipment.
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